Warm Weekend, with Some Snow Before and After

A storm from the west northwest passes us just barely to our north Friday night.  The Canadian and American Models are both predicting 3” by Saturday morning, while the WRF Model is only predicting an inch.  It should be partly cloudy this weekend, with highs approaching 40 degrees even at 10,000 feet.  Saturday looks like […]

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April Fool’s Day Storm?

Temperatures slowly climb this week into this weekend.  We’ll likely see a touch of snow on Thursday, but probably less than an inch.  This weekend will likely be sunny, warm, and somewhat windy.  Things really don’t get interesting weather wise until April Fool’s Day.  At that point we may see another low pressure system hitting […]

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Sunday Storm and Potential Storm Next Weekend

[Note: This forecast was written early Sunday morning but posted late Sunday night due to my apparent inability to post from overseas.] Sorry for the delayed forecasts, but just coming back now from the Carpathian Mountains.  We look to have an upslope Sunday afternoon to Monday morning (the low is centered around the Colorado / […]

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What a Storm, and a Wonderful Upcoming No Wind Weekend

As the storm winds down and we all dig out, the closed low pressure to our west southwest that caused all this wonderful snow will slowly weaken over the next few days.  It will fuel more snow for the southern mountains but probably not any more (or much more) for us.  Saturday looks to be […]

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Major Upslope

Looks like we’re in for a major storm from Wednesday afternoon to Friday morning.  Details are still fuzzy, but basically we have a large cut-off low to our southeast that will produce an upslope with the potential for very large snow totals in our patrol zone.  I would emphasize the word “potential” as several models […]

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