Snow! How Much of It We’ll Get, However, Is An Open Question

Apologies for a detailed discussion, but we have a crazy and unpredictable storm at our doorstep, and I think a longer discussion than I normally do is warranted.  However, if you just want to see the model snow predictions, they’re 2” to 8”, but as explained below, take any model forecast with a large grain […]

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Snow Tuesday (12/28), Friday (12/31), and Maybe Snow In Between?

A powerful storm continues mostly to the west of our patrol zone.  The models tend to agree that we’ll get some snow tonight/tomorrow (1-4”), and some snow again on Friday (2-4”), but they disagree whether this system will produce much snow during the interim.  Optimistically we could see up to a foot of snow during […]

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Santa is Bringing Snow!

On-and-off snow should continue to hit our patrol zone from this Christmas Eve afternoon through New Years Day, with over 6” having already fallen.  That’s pretty awesome. The current system (from the west and southwest) should produce snow this afternoon through Christmas morning.  The various model forecasts for this afternoon through tomorrow sunrise are as […]

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Snow From Late Thursday (12/23) Through Tuesday (12/28)

Sorry for the late forecast everyone.  A strong system moves in from the west / southwest late on Thursday.  It should be a huge producer for other parts of the state, and some of that will likely bleed into our patrol zone, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it will produce an upslope at any […]

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Dusting on Friday, Dusting Next Wednesday, and (Maybe) Christmas Snow

A system passes to our north on Friday.  We may get a touch of snow.  Here are the current model snow forecasts for this system for our patrol zone: 1” – Canadian, European, and UK Met Models ½” – American and WRF Models This weekend looks to be sunny or at least only partly cloudy, […]

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