A Very Definitive Forecast of 0 to 42 Inches of Snow

The weather will be too pleasant through Thursday, and then on Friday things get puzzling.  Saturday afternoon’s run of the American Model called for 42” of snow for this Friday in the Brainerd Lake grid.  Sunday afternoon’s run of the same American Model grid called for 0” of snow for this Friday.  I’m not making […]

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Friday Snow

A weak upslope looks to bring light snow on Friday to our patrol zone.  Here are the model forecasts: 7” –  Canadian Model 6” – RDPS Model 3” – WRF Model 2” – NAM Model <1” – American Model This weekend winds will be westerly, as normal, and Sunday looks to be the warmer of […]

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An Inch Here, an Inch There

This isn’t a very interesting forecast.  Sorry.  A small system that is pushing winds to the east will mean an inch to several inches of snowfall tonight (Monday night) and possibly a couple of inches on Tuesday night.  The next system looks to come in on Friday, and here are the model forecasts for that […]

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Calm After the Storm

As we revel in the over 4½ feet of snow we’ve gotten in the last week and a half, we have a break from the snowy weather.  Boo.  Saturday the highs should get into the mid-thirties, and Sunday highs may reach 30.  Both days look to be partly cloudy, with slightly more wind on Sunday. […]

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What a Storm Cycle!  And There’s More Snow in the Forecast

What a storm we had!  4 feet of new snow on the ground!  More details in the retrospective discussion. It’s very cold right as I write this Tuesday morning (i.e., subzero), but temperatures look to climb in the coming days.  We’ll have snow Wednesday afternoon through Thursday, though mostly from spillover.  Here are the model […]

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