Spring, Then (Hopefully) Cinco de Mayo Snow

With the storm leaving, we’re going to be under a ridge of high pressure until roughly Cinco de Mayo.  Some thunderstorms and thundersnow are possible Monday May 1 to May 4.  Bear in mind that (i) models do an awful job predicting the amount of thundersnow, and (ii) some of this could come down as […]

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Snow on Friday, Then Spring Weather

A system from the north northwest brings snow to our patrol zone on Friday.  There may be a small upslope component to this storm.  The models are still all over the map in the predicted amounts.  Here are the various model forecasts: 8” – American Model 7” – WRF Model 6” – European Model 4” […]

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Tuesday Storm, Light Snow Afterwards

Snow!  The first closed low in a while will be just south of our patrol zone on Tuesday, generating winds from the eastern half of the compass and hopefully a good shot of snow.  The exact location, speed, and shape of the low pressure will make a big difference in how much snow we ultimately […]

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Light Snow Later This Week

A giant closed low moves west, almost directly over the US / Canadian border for the next several days, and a little bit of moisture will reach our patrol zone from Tuesday evening through Saturday.  This system to our north will also mean we’ll have cold temperatures during this time.  Here are the various model […]

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