Boring Weather Continues, Next Hope of Snow Next Tuesday (12/7) Possibly

We remain under a ridge of high pressure with everything interesting weather-wise staying far to our north.  It looks to be unseasonably warm and sunny, and there may even be a few days with lower winds than we’re used to, but the models disagree on which days we’ll see real wind gusts and which ones […]

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Forecast – Too Warm and Too Sunny

It looks to be relatively warm and very sunny from now until forecast fairyland.  We’ll be under a ridge of high pressure until Friday December 3.  Then, and this is at the boundary of forecast fairyland already, more interesting stuff starts to happen with a low pressure coming up from the southwest, and then maybe […]

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Short and Boring Forecast. Boo!

We’re currently under a ridge of high pressure.  Two week systems approach Colorado, one from the southwest and one from the northwest, that may give us a touch of snow on Wednesday – though the American, Canadian, and WRF Models are all calling for just a dusting.  Temperatures turn colder with this system (which at […]

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First Patrol Weather Forecast for the Season – On and Off Light Snow For a While, with Colder Temperatures and Lots of Wind

Welcome back everyone to another season of weather forecasts for our patrol zone.  In an ideal world, I’ll be getting these out Tuesday and Friday mornings, though no promises I’ll always be right on schedule. Nothing to exciting in our forecast – light snow, lots of wind (surprise!), and fortunately colder temperatures.  After a warm […]

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