Here Comes Some June Snow!

The second half of May has been great – Mayuary as some people have called it – and it looks like June will start off with a (snow filled) bang!  A small upslope coupled with a jet streak should produce a real snow storm on Tuesday evening through Wednesday (June 1) morning.  Here are the […]

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One Last Hurrah!

Okay, this system is way too exciting not to write about, even though I already posted my season wrap-up.  A complex system approaches on Friday from the north northwest – with snow being fueled by primarily by (i) a low pressure system with the low currently forecasted to center roughly in the middle of the […]

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Season Retrospective (and a New Best Model of the Season)

“It could have been worse” is hardly a rallying cry, but that’s how I’d sum up this season snow-wise in our patrol zone.  Early November started off strong, but then a horrific lull put us well below average until I flew up to Alaska in late December.  As soon as I got on a plane […]

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Storm Cycle is Over, Spring is Ahead

The weather looks warm and pleasant for a while without any good spring storms on the horizon.  Boo!  About time to throw in the towel on this winter of weather forecasts for our patrol zone.  I’ll keep an eye on things, and if there’s nothing interesting snow wise in a bit, I’ll stop posting forecasts […]

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Maybe a Ton of Snow. Maybe a Dusting.

Lots to talk about, but in sum, the models are all conflicting and it’s hard to say what’s in store for us snowfall-wise for the next ten days.  As the current storm exits the region, hot on its heels is another closed low.  The American model has it tracking too far north for us to […]

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