Maybe Big Snowy Start to May??

The beginning of May is starting to look pretty promising from a snow standpoint.  These forecasts are still a bit away, so please don’t get too excited yet.  However, to whet your appetite, over the next ten days the American Model is calling for a total of 30”, the European Model is calling for a […]

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Several Potential Snows in the Future, But Nothing Too Big Predicted

Warm and pleasant weather through Thursday.  Then, a system to our north (a weaker version of this past weekend’s storm, i.e., a significant closed low way to our north) pass us on Friday evening and Saturday morning.  The American, Canadian, and European Models are all calling for one inch, while the UK Met is the […]

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Weekend Snow

Although our patrol season is over, to the extent that there’s interesting weather (to me that means snow), I’ll keep posting for a bit more.  Then, at some point I’ll do my usual season wrap up in which I discuss the snow season as a whole, and compare models’ performance.  I haven’t done any math […]

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Midweek Snow

With our patrol season at its end, just a short forecast.  A large system to our north will bring snow to our patrol zone Tuesday through Thursday with colder temperatures.  This system will be associated with westerly winds (not the best direction for our patrol zone) but with hopefully enough moisture to give us the […]

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Snow Next Week, But Still Unclear Whether Lots of Snow or Dusting

The high temperatures on Friday and Saturday get progressively warmer.  Saturday looks like a great day for some spring skiing.  A system currently off the coast of British Columbia will pass to the north of our patrol zone on Sunday, likely bringing only an inch or less to our patrol zone. Then, things get confusing.  […]

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