Snow During the Week; Possible Big Storm on Tap for the Weekend

A weak system comes in from the west northwest on Tuesday, but looks like it decides just to hang out over Colorado until Friday (which is rather odd compared to most systems) when a much stronger system from the west northwest looks to hammer us on Friday through Sunday.  For the first system (Tuesday to […]

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Lingering Snow, Snow on Friday / Saturday, More Snow Next Week

The current system that produced a half a foot of snow for our patrol zone (and probably much more near the continental divide) is on its way out with another inch or two of snow possible. The next system barreling down from the northwest likely to hit us Friday afternoon / evening, hot on the […]

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Snow! And even Punxsutawney Phil Agrees!

Hold onto your ski helmets, for the first time in forever, the models are actually calling for enough snow to have to take off your second glove to count up the inches, and maybe one or two ski boots too!  Even the groundhog saw his shadow this morning, so I’m in a great mood!  Let’s […]

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Small Snow on Saturday, Hopefully More Next Wednesday

A ridge of high pressure lasts through Friday.  A small system comes in from the west on Saturday.  With this weekend’s avalanche class, I’ll provide both model forecasts for the Saturday system for our patrol zone and for Berthoud.  They are: Patrol Zone: Canadian, WRF, and NAM Models: 1.5” European Model: 1” American and UKMet […]

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A Little Snow Today, Tomorrow, and Saturday

Apologies for the quick forecast, but work continues to be very busy.  We may get a bit more snow this morning.   More snow in store for Tuesday.  Here are the current model snow forecasts for Tuesday: WRF Model: 3.5” European Model: 2” American Model: 1.5” Canadian Model: 1” Then, we’ll have a large ridge […]

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