• We had a great meeting with 15 Patrollers in attendance. Please see below the Agenda/Notes from the meeting and feel free to reach out to bryanmountainnsp@gmail.com with any questions. As a note- we are no longer in the pre-school at MCLC, but are in the classroom upstairs. Cheers, Kelly G Welcome to Patrollers – Kelly Introduction of any new Candidates or new Patrollers present, and Patrollers. Patrol Director/Rep – Kelly -Sign up for Duty Days!!! – Front Range is Open for Business -Check your NSP Account – let Bridget/Lin know of any discrepancies -NSP Voting is open – you should have received an insert in your fall magazine -Last OEC class 12/4 (still opportunities to volunteer) – test 12/8 -Avy starts up 12/9 -SnowBall!!! 12/5 at the MCLC -Snow Mountain Ranch Updates from Mark OTH Refresher -Breakfast Sign-Up – do it! (Whoever brings bagels, please bring cream cheese) -Candice is brining enormous coffee urn + cups as well as fun memorabilia -Skills station for backcountry toboggan building will be included-Jill will have an updated cheat sheet w/new techniques – feel free to bring yours to show and tell (contact Jill or candice to contribute) -The OTH will have a scene safety skills station responding to some questions we had at the OEC refresher triage station.  Jill could use another instructor with EMS/Fire fighter/police experience to co-teach the station. Please contact Jill.yarger@q.com to volunteer. Nordic Clinic January 10, 11, 12 1/10 = Second Creek Tour 1/11 = Nordic Skills at DTR 1/12 = TBD (waiting in Winter Park) Front Range Backcountry – John P., Alan First orientation – 11/16!   Mountain Travel and Rescue + Other Fun Stuff – Jill ICS 100 – Latest Instructions will be sent in follow-up email JP Has ordered tourniquets that we can buy from him at a discount Final chance to vote on MTR course dates will be at OTH (Overnight 3/28-3/29 is set) OEC Class has on-snow training 11/17 at Brainard CAIC Forecasts are gearing up, Avy season has started JY has 5 x 40% off codes to Sea to Summit – good through 11/18 JY has two MTR rescue books available for loan 1/wk at a time Candidates & Junior Program- Amanda   -Boulder Nordic Ski Swap 11/13 -Free XC Ski lessons at Snow Mountain Ranch 12/15 -Email Amanda w/any transfer or candidates with unresolved membership issues Calendar/Upcoming Events See events below Other / Adjournment   Ken is rocking the calendar updates – thank you, Ken! Skye is now helping with web admin and working with Jordan to create a forecast page that will be linked in the Friday Call. Kelly is working on Hats (and maybe t’s) with a local Boulder screen printing and embroidery company   2019-2020 Patrol Calendar  January         Avy 1 Field Days – January 4th and 5th         Patrol Meeting – January 9th         Nordic Clinic – January 10th – 12th         Backcountry Orientation – East Portal – January 18th         Stagecoach – January 25th FEBRUARY         Patrol Meeting – February 6th         Ranch to Ranch February 8, Grand Country         Backcountry Orientation – Coney Flats – February 15th

  • I couldn’t be more proud or excited for our amazing BMNSP team!  Every member, new and more seasoned brings such a dynamic energy to our cause; protecting, educating and assisting with first aid both in area and out the back-country.  I joined the NSP over 30+ years ago after helping my father save a skier who was having a heart-attack in the ski area parking lot.  That moment changed my life and made me want to become more, to help others long-term while also enjoying one of the best sports ever invented – skiing.  It was truly an honor to receive this hugely prestigious award from NSP – thank you to everyone who helped throughout the process.  Ski On!! – Bridget Outstanding Nordic Patrol at our 2018 OEC Refresher

  • Dear Patrol, Over 30 lovely people showed up for the September meeting, including 2 transfer patrollers and 1 totally-new candidate. I believe this reflects the strong reputation we have as a patrol (thanks, all of you) and the patrol-otherlife balance that we enable. Details from the meeting are below. I do want to stress that my goal for the Patrol-Year is engagement and knowledge-transfer of “life in BMNSP.” I’d like each of you to meet the end of season proclaiming, “Ich bin ein BMNSPer” with great pride. The playful “NordicGNAR” exists for fun, for education, for camaraderie, and growth of all of us. I hope that you meet new people, learn of new events, take on new challenges, and that at the end of it all you say, “I want to do that again.” I am grateful that NordicGNAR has already been met with wild enthusiasm and points-accumulation will start with CSAW (see below) and then continue until April 17, Victoria Adams birthday. More seriously….  Here’s our 30 and 60 day items for action: 30 days: Patrollers can sign up for our OEC refresher online. At NSP.org, it is class 180011. And, you can always search by “R005” to find BMNSP events. Instructors for our OEC refresher please note –> You should not register yet!!! Separate instructions will follow. ALL PATROLLERS can be taking the OEC on-line portion of the class. Remember that there’s 3 things you need to have done before OEC Refresher day:  1. Finish your online class and print the completion certificate, saving the pdf file of your completion. 2. BRING your completed workbook to the refresher. (And…) 3. Be on-time to the refresher the day of. Bridget is working on CPR re-certification. Expect a separate email on that as options are finalized. CSAW 2018 will be on October 5th at the Riverwalk Center in Breckenridge.   If you’re not already familiar with this event, please visit http://avalanche.state.co.us to know more and consider attending.   (Yes, this will get you NordicGNAR points) Avalanche:  Level 1 class registration will open soon. Details to follow, remember, this class will fill 100%. Alan Stark is meeting with the Forest Service and a significant amount of his duties will go to John Pope as Alan steps back to advise the Program, instead of Lead. THANK YOU ALAN!!!! 60 days: Candace will run OTH at DTR. It will be great. Expect waffles. As plans for the day are finalized, supporting volunteers will be needed. 🙂 More than 60 days…  (fill your calendars…now!!!!) OTH for BackCountry Patrolling is December 8 Tommelfest at DTR will be Saturday, December 8 Stagecoach event is January 26 Alley Loop (Crested Butte) is February 3 Ranch to Ranch (Diana Rau, Grand Nordic) is February 9 Rocky Mountain Division Nordic Clinic date, events, and location will be finalized National Day at Ski Sunlight, Saturday, March 2.    https://www.sunlightskipatrol.com/nsp-national-day.html MTR:   March 23 is a possible Instructor date. Date may change, event is very likely.   Timeless: Amanda is Candiate Advisor and is handling a ton of email-inquiries about BMNSP. Thank you! Don’t know who these contact persons are?   Email Mark or check the Facebook page for BMNSP to see the frequent updates from fellow patrollers. Kelly Greene will manage the NordicGNAR points this year and has agreed to be our Assistant Patrol Director for this season and next with us looking for her to assume the PD role when 2019-2020 ski season ends. MORE DETAILS of NordicGNAR to follow. And more random notes…. More to come in the next few weeks as CPR details are set. Expect to receive an Advisor Org-chart with names, roles, contact info. Expect communications from me via emails from the gmail-group-address as lead, and evites and Facebook updates are to help ensure more layers of communication. As we launch into this new year, as always, I’m always open to suggestions and feedback. Those who have known me the last 16+ years of patrolling should expect much of the same as in the past (oh boy…) but with a higher level of organization for some items as our growing organization necessitates some discipline from me. (The Fidel Castro and Jim Morrison phases of my leadership are done. Probably.) Love you all, Mark   CSAW: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/17th-annual-colorado-snow-and-avalanche-workshop-tickets-48914171604?aff=newsweb

  • BMNSP Meeting Agenda, March 1st, 2018 Patrol Director Report: (Bridget) I attended the RMD Awards Meeting with Lin (every educational) excited to share our National Nordic Patrol of the Year Nomination and got really great feedback.   Thanks to all who have contributed data for this to happen Thanks to Bear, Lin and now Amy Edwards who have worked on the WHY we deserve this award.  I’ll be turning it in by the May due date. Thank you everyone signing up for Duty Days both on the Front Range and at DTR Bear and I will be doing a late March Toboggan building session when the Dr. OK’s my knee & Bear comes back from China; TBD / we will let you know. Passing the Torch:  It’s been an amazing 2 years.  I set some big goals as Director and feel very happy I hit them within the 2-year time-frame I set for myself. A few goals were: * New Nordic Jacket Design for more congruent look on the patrol/partnership with Ski Area Supplies * Improved first aid equipment at DTR (got 2 Prams from AMR) * Communication Upgrade: I helped with the development and launch of our new on-line website w/ huge thanks to Kelly Greene and Maya) * Worked to review protocols at DTR and Front Range (thank you Henry/Bear) * Design and launch of a Mentoring Program which I plan to further develop for both DTR & Front Range * Partnerships with the USFS and DTR Staff – keeping us all on the same page * While injured this winter, asking for recognition within BMNSP & at the National Level (fingers crossed for NSP Award next year!!) – thank you Lin Ballard for all your time and guidance, you are one of my personal heroes. I will help act as assistant director next season for whoever takes this job over as I want this transfer to go smoothly.  It has been an absolute honor to act in this position, Patrol Director, as your leader.   Avalanche Report: (Cindy) Level 2 Avalanche course in progress, contact Cindy if you want to instruct/help out. March 24 – 27 SMR   DTR Report: (Henry)  – Conditions at DTR – still awesome All the data is in the file, but … over 168 patroller days at DTR so far, this year- plus 5 days at Ranch 2 Ranch. Liberal estimate assumes that weekend days are full days, which is not always true. Some time spent at DTR is logged as 1/2 day, or 1/4, depending on actual hours, figuring that a full patrol day is 8 hours.   Nordic Clinics/New Members Report: (Amanda)    Recap on February 10th at DTR – Lin said it was awesome and had many incredible things to say on    how detailed and fun Amanda is making Nordic Clinics with John. (Thank You guys!)   Front Range Report: (Bear/John) Brainard closes March 3rd- We will continue to patrol the Front Range until April 15. This will be a good opportunity to patrol trails you have never been on before. Torch Passing (A real SAW was passed.. for Front Range Leader – (drum roll..)) to John Pope!!!  Both guys will help keep the Front Range Patrol rolling next season as a team.   Mountain Travel Report: (Jill) Recap on MTR Classes so far- Jill always welcomes instructors!! PLEASE reach out to her if you can help~ jill.yager@q.com MTR 1 and MTR 2 are in session now, March 9-11 is the outside sleep over for both classes.  Let Jill know if you want to help with one or two nights in the field.   Webmaster Report: (Kelly G) Many patrollers have several email addresses on file, and we want to make sure whatever we send goes to the correct one. Join Google Groups if you haven’t done that yet. bryanmountainnsp@gmail.com Website: we continue to update this as things change. If you have any issues, email me- Kelly. I’ll try to respond as soon as possible, but between Fri-Sun she is usually away from a computer. Sign-Up genius is not an app Kelly created, so some of the nuances are what they are. If you are having big problems with it also email Kelly and she can reach out to their support team 🙂  EMAIL: bryanmountainnsp@gmail.com for anything related to the web-site or sign-up genius moving forward.  OEC Report:   Need to create OEC Instructors in Training Meeting: Lin/Bridget working on this TBD soon.   Treasury Report: (John) Website payment: $10/month (discussion)   Patrol Mom Updates: End O’ Year Party and Heroes of Telemark (HOT) / Need to send out survey for April date that will work for most of the patrol.  Be expecting that soon. Calendar/organization meeting for coming season: We will do this before the ‘HOT’ party. CPR Instructors training date: TBD soon, working with Kelly McDevitt on this program.   Additional Reports from Peanut Gallery: Terrie Clark wanted to publicly THANK Tegan and Candice Bartholomew-Brown team for coming to help teach at her recent Brownies First Aid Badge Class in Boulder. Tegan was extremely admired and now has a new following of young girls wanting to grow up to be like her! Lin shared the awesome story sent in from Kurt Sonderman about he and Amy helping at a local sledding area and using fast acting first aid skills to help a young boy who had seriously injured his leg (broke is tibia!). Kurt was thankful that due to their education and first aid skills – the boy averted needing surgery and even the doctor stated that the leg didn’t seem broken by looking at it – the xray confirmed the bad break.  Great job Edward-Sonderman TEAM!! Dave Hoyt shared the story of a Garmin device helping to save the life of Rob (who works with CMC and the cabin) who last year stared to have a heart attack while hiking gear into the cabin and because he used his device had help waiting for

  • BMNSP Meeting Agenda, February 1st , 2018 Patrol Director Report: (Bridget) I’m busy attempting to get us the Nordic Ski Patrol of the Year Award/ turning it in by Feb 20th Awards Committee meeting.  Special thanks to Lin, Bear and Cindy for helping me with data so far. IF you have taught a class, worked with the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Universities or Schools to teach any classes – get this information to Bridget asap! bridget@greengirlrecycling.com     Special Thank you to everyone’s participation at the Stage Coach Race at DTR & Snow Shoe Race at Brainard this past month.  (Henry and Bear – you guys just rock). Both Huge Successes!    Sign up for February Duty Days please & indicate where you are patrolling.    Ski Area Supplies is finishing out more patrol jackets this week – get with Mardee to grab a jacket    PAY DUES! Please go to the NSP.org website and CHECK that you have paid for 2017-2018! We have helped many patrollers get paid in that had small registration issues complicating payments.  If you have questions, email Bridget or call NSP and they can help you out!   Avalanche Report: (Cindy) Avy level 2 Class (Brian Ballard) – Info: Class Full at this time, waiting list.  Contact Brian if still interested to get on waiting list. 4 Days March 24-27 (Saturday – Tuesday). smocktele@gmail.com   DTR Report: (Henry)  – Conditions at DTR – actually really nice now. Stage Coach:   Event Highlights and take-aways for next season: Henry compiling a list of what worked well and what we can improve next year. (It’s going to be a list, with turn over at the Thumb much was forgotten that worked well in years past) Research Update for new contact program for outreach to patrol: Henry will be moving the Yahoo Groups email blasts to Google groups soon.  Expect to see this happen and get more notes for a bit.  Sat. Feb. 10  Ranch to Ranch – Michael Doberson coordinating medical effort (we think ;)! 12K of super fun terrain spanning from Ski Granby Ranch to Snow Mnt Ranch – easy, fun skiing.  Come help!   Nordic Clinics/New Members Report: (Amanda)    Next Nordic Clinic: February 10th at DTR. Come by 9am and skiing by 10am.  Last clinic included toboggan building and Amanda said 4 people successfully completed the class. Skate and Traditional Ski Skills will be taught – skis and equipment can be rented at DTR.  Fun events planned throughout the day and food festivities after the event.     Front Range Report: (Bear/John) Brainard closes March 1. We will continue to patrol the Front Range until April 15. This will be a good opportunity to patrol trails you have never been on before. Jen was lead patroller to support the Sourdough Snowshoe Race support on Saturday, assisted by Roger, Martina, Cassidy, and Nate Keane. Jen Comments: thank you for this help! Please reread SPOT instructions on the website. We depend on these units to keep you safe. Bear would like to recruit a new Backcountry Coordinator for next year. Email alanstark2@me.com if you are interested!   Mountain Travel Report: (Jill) Organizing a Level 1 and Level 2 class this year:   MTR 1: Class dates (Feb 13, 20th and 27th @ the Church) Field Day plus 1 over night Date = March 10th & 11th.   MTR 2: Class dates tentative right now: (Feb 27th & March 1st) Field Day= March 9-11th (tbd) * Contact Jill even if you can not make these dates: they are not in stone and she is willing to work with a majority group. Contact Jill directly jill.yarger@q.com –she will send requirements for those interested via email. Jill needs instructors!! PLEASE reach out to her if you can help~   Webmaster Report: (Kelly G) The website went down because I added too many photos of the patrol’s beautiful faces – but we have fixed it without having to remove anyone and should be good to go 🙂  When Signing up for Front Range Patrol – please remember to list your location, and if you know ahead of time, a rough estimate of the hours you’ll be patrolling on the front range. We decided just listing where you are going is easier than giving 10 location options/day on the calenda OEC Report:   IN today: Members may purchase a printed card for $10 from the NSP Online Store starting on Monday, January 22nd, through close of business Thursday, February 15th – Cards mailed out in March.   Treasury Report: (John)   National & BMNSP Updates: (Patrol Mom-Lin) OEC instructors in training to finish up: 9 people / 10 total including a new transfer.  We are looking to pick a date and make this happen within the next three months. Avalanche Level 1- Module 3 Rescue, needed by all patrollers and especially those taking Level 2 / Cindy/Lin reaching out to those patrollers who just took Level 1 Avy and need this course before the Level 2 course.   Assess the need for an ID (Instructor Development) course / potentially teaching one of these classes this Spring. Find out who is willing to become CPR instructor and find dates  – Kelly & Lin putting a class together for instructors/ dates coming soon!   Pro Deals/Gear: (Johan)     Additional Reports from Peanut Gallery:   Nate Lord: Organizing 2 National Championship Canoe Races: (Buena Vista/Salida) July14th-17th, Open canoe July 20th-22nd.  Looking for first aid help for these races. Email Nate @  nlord@dawsonschool.org.