1. Diagonal stride
  2. Diagonal Rest or Change-Up
    (Rest one or both arms while continuing the Diagonal Stride)
  3. Double Poling
  4. One Step Double Pole (Think: “Kick, double pole.”)
  5. Two Step Double Pole (Think: “Kick, kick, double pole.”)
  6. Stationary Turns: Tips, Tails, Combinations
  7. Skate Turn


  1. Uphill Diagonal Stride
  2. Traverse with Kick Turns
  3. Climbing Traverse
  4. Side Step
  5. 1/2 herringbone Traverse
  6. Herringbone


  1. Straight Run with Pole Check (Skis parallel)
  2. Straight Run in Telemark Position
  3. Wedge Turns
  4. Wedge Gliding and stop
  5. Stem Turn
  6. Step Turn
  7. Combination Turn (Stem, Step)
  8. Pole Drag
  9. Side Slip (Forward and Back)

  1. around the tails
  2. around the tips
  3. combination turns: tips, tails, tips, tails
TRACK EXERCISES: (without poles)

  1. balance: push off and try to glide with one ski
  2. strength: exaggerated knee bend, upper body upright
  3. flexibility: arm swing exaggerated, as in walking
  4. weight shift: glide on one ski and then the other.

  1. Diagonal Stride.
  2. Two Step Diagonal: pole, pole, glide, glide
  3. Double Poling (no kick): have students touch hands behind back to ensure good follow-through
  4. Double Poling with Kicks: kick, kick double pole
  5. Skating Turns: step around the tails
  6. Kick Turn: demo two types
  7. Climbing Diagonal Stride: back straight, hips forward, walk straight
    uphill (slight grade)

  • touch toes
  • rotate arms
  • skis spread
  • telemark



Assemble Rescue Sled From Skis and Poles
Secure Patient to Sled
Transport Head Uphill 50 Meters.(Minimum group of 4 candidates)
Transport Sled Downhill 100 Meters(Minimum group of 4 candidates)


“Parachute” Cord (1/8 inch diameter) and knife,One 25′ piece,
12′ pieces,
Three 8′ pieces,
Four 2′ pieces,
Two skis.
Two poles. (Prefer old non-adjustable type),
Three sticks. Approximately 1″ in diameter and 24″ to 30″ long. Note: smooth dowels don’t work well.
Blanket or ensolite pad.

Note: Most lashings start and end with a clove hitch.

Attach the center-stick at the bindings with two 8′ cords, No cords under the skis! Leave a couple feet, on eachcord, to tie on the poles.
Attach the tip-stick with a couple feet of each 12′ cord using a square lash.
Attach the pole baskets at the tips using a little more of each 12′ cord.
Use the rest of each 12′ cord to tie a diagonal cord to the opposite binding with a taut-line hitch.
Attach the poles at the bindings with the remainder of each cord.
Attach the third stick to the ends of the poles with an 8′ cord, using a square lash, No cords under the skis!
Create a cradle weave between the poles, using the 25′ cord.
Haul rope attachment, Girth hitch 75′ of 7mm rope to the tip-stick, then run the ends around the center stick.
Place ensolite foam on the cradle weave.
Use cravats to hold the patient on the toboggan.
Option: attach two more poles and another cross-stick for a supine patient, Use the four 2′ cords.