A large system from the west moves over our patrol zone from Friday through Sunday.  While areas far to the west and north of our patrol zone will see the brunt of this system, we should get some snow.  Highs should reach 30 both weekend days.  The Canadian Model is saying the sun should poke out by Sunday afternoon, but the American Model doesn’t see that happening until Monday.

Here are various model forecasts of the Friday through Sunday morning system:

10” – Canadian and WRF Models

6” – European and RDPS Model

4” – American Model

Then, per the Canadian Model, we should see small steady snows from Monday to Saturday, adding up to 5” additional.   The American Model sees no snow from Monday through Wednesday afternoon, but then predicts steady snow from Thursday to Sunday, adding up to 13” additional by Sunday.  And the European Model is calling for 3” additional during this time.

I figured to add some humor to these posts, just as Jeff Foxworthy had his “you might be a redneck if …” observations/jokes, I might as well start throwing out some “you might be a Bryan Mountain patroller if …” observations/jokes at the end of the forecast.  So, first one is below.

Retrospective Discussion:

Eldora reported 3” overnight, which out-performed the two models I looked at for my Tuesday forecast.  We’ll take it.


-Jordan (Thursday 3/9/23 evening)

You might be a Bryan Mountain Patroller if: you use more wiper fluid than gasoline to get to your patrol day.