A cut-off low stuck over Seattle area will bring a little bit of snow today through Sunday.  Here’s the model forecasts for that time:

4” – European Model

3” – American and Canadian Model

Highs should be right just about 30 both weekend days and windy (of course).  Sunday will probably be the windier of the two weekend days. 

The American Model predicts that this system will continue to produce light snow on Tuesday and Wednesday (4”), but the Canadian and European Models disagree and predict no snow.  The low pressure looks to start moving again on Wednesday and head south of our patrol zone for the second half of next week, which may bring some real snow to our patrol zone from Thursday to Sunday.  Here are the model forecasts for that system:

14” – European Model

10” – American Model

2” – Canadian Model

Retrospective Discussion:

Eldora reported in chronological order 2”, 2”, and 1” for the three systems this week.  So the winners were the Canadian Model (once) and the American Model (twice), with the only wildly off prediction being the WRF’s 6” prediction when only 1” fell. 

